Skål for 2 nye Norgesmestere fra OSSU!

Sylvia Johnsen


3 Responses

  1. Lukas sier:

    Man skal ikke skåle for barn. En skål er noe
    man utfører med øl, vin eller brennevin.

  2. Sylvia sier:

    Jeg gjorde det i alkoholfri fruktpunsj.

  3. http://www./ sier:

    Solid advice. Starting a new biz in this economy can also provide the same moments of terror and exhilaration. When you can’t go backwards, the only way is forward. Some days, that ledge you described looks like a bed in a high quality hotel from the perspective of many of us. However, I believe that I’ve made a good choice and will continue to move forward to success!

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