Ny bok av Sverre Johnsen

Sjakk og matt, av Sverre Johnsen og Svetoslav Mihajlov
Sverre Johnsen har skrevet en ny sjakkbok i samarbeid med vårt nyeste OSS-medlem Svetoslav Mihajlov, far til vår talentfulle miniputtnorgesmester Sebastian. Boken er en samling av mattkombinasjoner som de har brukt til undervisning på barnesjakkveldene mandager i Bogstadveien 30.
På sin engelskspråklige blogg, skriver Sverre følgende om boken:
In a week or so the booklet ‘Sjakk og matt’ (Check and Mate) will be available in Norway. It is mainly a collections of mating combinations created by Svetoslav with some supporting prose (in Norwegian) by me. There is also a preface by GM Simen Agdestein, chess responsible in NTG – the Norwegian College of Elite Sport.
The combinations are based on exercizes that Svetoslav created when he a year ago assisted as a chess coach during my chess club’s tournaments for kids, (every Monday 18.00-20.00 in Bogstadveien 30 in Majorstuen, Oslo). One of the nice things with mating combinations is that there is no point discussing the solution – a mate is a mate and ends the game.
I hope the book will be a useful addition to Norwegian chess literature which for obvious reasons is not very extensive.